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Why Freeze Dried Food Could Change Your Lifestyle

Why Freeze Dried Food Could Change Your Lifestyle

When you think of the word “snack,” what comes to mind? Chips, cookies, fruit? Nowadays, we often find ourselves on the go and in need of something to satisfy our hunger. That’s why these snacks are becoming a popular choice among people who want to live healthier lifestyles and be more active. What is freeze-dried freeze snacks are foods that have been through a process of freeze drying, which involves freezing the food and then removing the water from it through a vacuum. This leaves behind a lightweight, shelf-stable food that can be stored for long periods of time. These snacks have a number of advantages over other types of food storage. They are much lighter and take up less space, so they are ideal for storing in small places or taking with you on trips. They also have a very long shelf life – of ten years – so you don’t have to worry about them going bad. Another advantage of these is that they retain most of their nutritional value. This is because the process of freeze-drying preserves many of the nutrients that would be lost through other methods of food storage, such as canning or dehydrating. If you are looking for a more convenient and nutritious way to store your food, these snacks are the perfect choice for you. Benefits of flavourful snacks They have a lot of benefits that could change your lifestyle for the better. For one, freeze-dried snacks last a lot longer than fresh food. It can last up to 25 years without losing its nutritional value or taste. This means that you can stock up and not have to worry about it going bad. Another benefit of freeze-dried munch is that it is very lightweight and easy to transport. Lastly, your flavourful snacks are very easy to store, so you can keep it in your pantry for when you need it. Lastly, freeze-dried food is very nutritious. All of the nutrients from the food are retained during the freeze-drying process, so you are getting all of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that you would from fresh foods. The value and taste of Bonvie Freeze-dried from Bonvie is becoming more and more popular as people become more health-conscious and look for ways to add healthy, easily-digestible food options to their diets. But how exactly bonvie providing you with various flavours of crunchy snacks? How does the process work? And what does it taste like? Freeze drying is a process that removes water from food while preserving its flavor, texture, and nutritional value. The food is placed in a chamber where the temperature is lowered below freezing. Then, a vacuum is created within the chamber, which causes the water in the food to evaporate. The evaporation process happens quickly, so the food doesn’t have time to spoil or lose its flavor. Once the water has been removed, the freeze-dried food is lightweight and easy to store. It can be reconstituted with water or milk and eaten as is, or used in recipes. So, what do these snacks taste like? We say it tastes just like fresh because of how quickly the drying process preserves the flavor and nutrients. With the different pun of taste that takes some getting used to, but it’s more delicious. If you’re curious about trying freeze-dried, We as your crunchy company welcome you to add it to your special diet.

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Your munch of Healthy Life

Your munch of Healthy Life

You know that novelty you get when you suddenly realize you need to change your life? Perhaps it’s because you feel lethargic or because you’re struggling to lose the extra weight. Whatever the situation, you are aware that you need to start eating better and becoming more active. The issue is that simply changing your eating habits isn’t always simple. As much as we enjoy fried snacks and unhealthy chips, eating them now is almost as bad for your immune system as if they had been baked earlier. You’ve probably heard of healthy freeze-dried snacks, but you may not have tried them. There are a variety of reasons why you haven’t, including the possibility that they are too expensive, bland, or non-ethnic. Because of this, we’ve checked off all of your boxes together and created Bonvie, which has the most wholesome flavor. This article will explain why you need Bonvie in your life rather than just enjoying it. You can switch to a healthy lifestyle with the help of this blog post’s magical methods. Freeze but Healthy Some individuals believe that all frozen foods must be avoided when it comes to eating healthfully. This isn’t always the case, though! There are frozen foods that are nutritious and healthy. Our preferred healthy freeze-dried snacks include the following: Fruits: Frozen fruit is a delicious and healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth, and you can also carry around the beneficial freeze-dried snacks and eat them whenever you like. These fruits have a longer shelf life and can satisfy your cravings for flavor. Like wafers and chips, even they can be eaten whenever and wherever you like, but they have advantages that chips do not. various tastes in each flavor and bite, longer and Healthier Your munch of Healthy LifeA healthy lifestyle entails more than simply eating the correct meals and exercising; it also entails keeping a check on the junk and unhealthy items you consume throughout the day, however you can aid yourself by balancing your diet with nutritious foods. However, nutrition is not easy to consume; it requires your time and effort to prepare. There are several advantages to making Bonvie a part of your life since the moment you begin eating properly, your body begins to show you favourable results. – improved immune function– better heart health– lower blood pressure– improved mental health– reduced inflammation– improved digestion The best part about the healthy freeze diet snacks are that they can be stored for a longer shelf, they come up with a long shelf life, and keep the flavours intact for around 18 months. Especially your favourite Bonvie it has the power to keep it shelf life for around 2 years. Bonvie comes up with a variety of flavours and powders that can blend into any recipe you want. Let’s say you want to have a banana smoothie you can literally convert your crunchy banana snack into a smoothie, even more. So, it’s high time to switch to the healthy munch in your life with bonvie redefining the taste of your snacks and health.

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5 Benefits of Freeze-Dried Snacks

5 Benefits of Freeze-Dried Snacks

Water is present in food. When the meal is heated, the moisture evaporates, the water converts to gas, and the food dehydrates. In your house, a dehydrator will remove 90% of the water from the food. If you freeze the food first and lower the ambient pressure, the ice crystals will skip the ‘changing into water’ stage and instead become gas, a process known as sublimation. This ‘freeze-drying’ technology may eliminate 99% of the water content of the food. Furthermore, the less heat employed in the procedure, the less nutrients degrade. Dehydrating food, for example, depletes vitamin C, but freeze-drying does not; you simply cannot lessen the pressure when dehydrating. “Why would I switch from the more typical way of hydrating?” you may ask.”. The short and simple explanation is that it all comes down to nutrition. Simply said, freeze-dried food maintains far more of its inherent quality. As a result, all nutrients are neatly packed within until ready to ingest. The shelf life of freeze-dried food is included in the lengthier and more complex response. Food rots due to the presence of water and oxygen. With a lifespan of up to 24 years, you won’t be left high and dry or up a creek without a paddle. Your freeze-dried food will keep for as long as you keep it in an airtight bag. When food is exposed to air, oxygen begins to destroy it. NUTRITION Consumer attitudes are shifting, and more individuals are seeking nutrition from actual, high-quality food sources with intelligible labelling. Because freeze-dried meals are lightly processed, they can contain clean components that are free of synthetic, artificial, and highly processed elements. Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables are also actual fruits and vegetables, allowing businesses to make nutritional claims. The attractiveness of confirmed, whole food serving claims from freeze-dried fruits and vegetables stems from consumers’ need for nourishment from authentic and understandable sources. Reach out to on-the-go millennials with complete meal portions in convenient delivery options such as bars or nibbles. THE NEAREST TO THE FRESH FORM Freeze drying keeps nutritional content better than conventional drying processes, satisfying customers’ quest for whole-food nutrition. The method also retains the original raw material’s colour and form, ensuring customers are eating real fruits and vegetables. The robust flavour and scent of freeze-dried foods closely mimic the raw material profile. CUSTOMIZATION Another advantage of freeze-drying is the flexibility to tailor it to specific demands and project objectives. Freeze-dried products can be sliced or crushed into a wide range of sizes and shapes, from entire fruits and vegetables to tiny powders. The finished product may be readily combined into any blend or recipe to create a flavour profile that is entirely unique to your final product. VARIED APPLICATIONS Food processors with customization and mixing capabilities may combine actual fruits and vegetables into a wide range of applications. Breakfast applications such as hot and cold cereals, retail-ready or ready-to-eat snacks, and beverage applications such as smoothies or whole fruit pieces added to drinks are all growing areas of freeze-dried applications. SHELF LIFE EXTENDED The shelf life of any particular product is closely related to its moisture content. The removal of water by the freeze-drying process eliminates the possibility of bacterial development. Moisture percentage varies by product, but the average for freeze-dried items is roughly 3%. The actual shelf life of any specific freeze-dried product is determined by packaging, storage temperature, and the product itself. The shelf life of most dehydrated items, such as dried fruits and vegetables, powders, and TVP (soy protein), is typically 15-20 years. Honey, salt, sugar, hard wheat, and oats have a 30-year shelf life – occasionally longer. Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, ready-to-eat meals, and genuine meats have a longer average shelf life of 25-30 years. Freeze-dried food may be stored at a variety of temperatures without affecting the food or packaging; the food remains fresh for many years.

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What can you do with Freeze Dried Fruits?

What can you do with Freeze Dried Fruits?

Similar to dried fruit, freeze-dried fruits have been dehydrated, but they have a crunchy texture. They contain nutrients that offer many health benefits. Thus, they are a good addition to a well-balanced diet. You can try them on cereal or oatmeal, in trail mix or on their own. Freeze-dried fruit is a great way to preserve food for later. These fruits can be eaten plain or you can also learn how to use them in various recipes. Preserving food is a skill and an art. For long-term storage, freeze-drying food is highly recommended. If stored properly, then can last up to 25 years. Freeze-fried fruits are not made with added sugar. They have a natural sweetness and thus, they are a healthy alternative to dried fruit. You can use them when preparing bread or muffins. Having no added sugar means that freeze-dried fruit contains fewer calories. If you are diabetic or are at risk of developing diabetes, then you should choose foods that are low in sugar. This would protect you from a number of health complications. There are a number of innovative recipes including free-dried fruits that you can use to prepare amazing snacks. You can try any of these to come up with something yummy yet nutritious. Strawberry and lime white chocolate blondies Having a unique flavour, the strawberry and lime white chocolate blondies are loved by everyone. Your family, as well as guests, would love them so much. Strawberry fudge recipe It is an easy-to-make recipe in which you can use freeze-dried strawberries to get a delicious flavour. It has a fresh taste as it is made with real fruit. You can’t get the same taste with artificial flavouring.     Caramelized white chocolate cupcakes with strawberry buttercream There is caramelized white chocolate and caramel swirled into the batter before baking caramelized white chocolate cupcakes. Top them with a strawberry buttercream flavoured and real strawberry powder. Apple cinnamon granola Made with whole grains and freeze-dried apples, apple cinnamon granola is a perfect healthy snack to enjoy for the breakfast.   Chocolate chip raspberry granola Vegan and gluten-free, it is both sweet and tart.  Raspberry cheesecake cookies These cookies are rich in nutrition and flavourful. The best thing is that they are easy to make. To get a natural flavour, use freeze-dried raspberries. Strawberry shortcake Oreo balls This snack is extremely delicious and will blow your mind for sure. These are covered in a strawberry crunch crumble topping. It is a simple-to-make, no-bake treat. Eaton mess It is a tasty and easy-to-prepare English dessert with crispy meringues, fresh whipped cream, and berries. Lemon blueberry white chocolate lasagna A unique dessert recipe, lemon blueberry white chocolate lasagna is layered like lasagna. It is a popular dessert. Strawberry mocha granola This vegan and sugar-free snack can be enjoyed even for breakfast. Raspberry baked doughnuts These tasty doughnuts have raspberry glaze made with freeze-dried raspberries. Freeze-fried fruit contains similar amounts of nutrients when compared with fresh fruits. Some nutrients get lost during the process, but still, your intake of vitamins A and C, iron and potassium gets increased when you eat them. These vitamins and minerals help in the following ways: Protect your immunity Help your blood stay adequately oxygenated Regulate your blood pressure Lighter in weight as compared to fresh fruits, freeze-dried fruits can be carried easily anywhere, anytime. Shop for freeze-dried products at Bonvie to get the best quality products!

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Freeze Dried Fruits: 7 Benefits for you

Freeze Dried Fruits: 7 Benefits for you

Freeze-dried fruits are rich in fibre along with being low in calories. Fibre is a very important nutrient and with the right amount, your digestive system is regulated and cholesterol levels are kept low. This will help you in enjoying a well-balanced diet. The risk of heart disease is also reduced. The risk of developing colon cancer is also lowered if you add the right amount of fibre to your diet. It also helps you in stopping you from eating unhealthy snacks between meals. Freeze-dried strawberries, mangoes, or bananas are an incredible choice for health-conscious people as they could contain up to 2 grams of dietary fibre. Benefits of freeze-dried fruits Travel-friendly Freeze-dried fruits are lightweight. They are handy and you can conveniently carry them while travelling. You can eat them out of the packets, sprinkle them in your oatmeal, or create smoothies on the go. Rich in nutrients Offering a number of health benefits, freeze-dried fruits are highly nutritious and thus, make a great addition to a well-balanced diet. Research has stated that these fruits hold up to 90 per cent of their original nutritional content. Even its small serving can be a huge nutritional feast. With them, you don’t have to always carry a big chunk of fresh fruit to get your daily dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, different nutrients, and minerals. Fresh taste & appearance Even after going through an entire procedure, freeze-dried fruits are still flavourful just like fresh ones! By flash-freezing, the moisture from fresh fruits is all taken out. This leaves them in their purest form. The process does not change the appearance, shape, and texture, and leaves crispy fruits that are sweet and flavourful. As the fruits are not fried via heat processing, their aroma and flavour also do not change. The original fruit’s nutritional content is maintained with the freeze-drying process. This procedure takes out the water only, not the flavour. Lasting freshness and longer shelf-life Freeze-dried ingredients can be stored for many many years! Water from the prepared fruits is removed. Thus, lasting freshness is guaranteed. Oxygen absorbents may be added as well and this will enhance the freshness of fruits. Thus, one of the major advantages of these freeze-dried fruits is that they last longer. The ingredients will remain as it is in your storeroom. You can also save space if you switch to these freeze-dried fruits for shakes and smoothies rather than big bags of frozen fruits inside the freezer. Low in calories There are different calorie counts for different brands of freeze-dried fruits. There are some processed fruits that contain less than 40 calories per 10-gram serving. Therefore, low-calorie foods like freeze-dried fruits are your best bet if you have a sweet tooth and you also want to lose weight at the same time. These are your guilt-free delicious snacks as they don’t contain any additional sweeteners and preservatives. You can enjoy them whenever and wherever you want.    Easy preparation Easy to prepare, freeze-dried fruits just need quick rehydration, which is perfect for storage. By adding warm water, most freeze-dried foods are reformed back.   Variety You can create a wide variety of desserts and dishes for yourself and your family with different freeze-dried fruits. Some of the things that you can make using these healthy fruits include fruity breakfast cereals, fruit salads, overnight oats, etc. If you are looking to buy healthy freeze-dried snacks online, then trust the most reliable name–Bonvie. Its offered range includes the following: Freeze Dried Apple Freeze Dried Banana Freeze Dried Black Jamun Freeze Dried Custard Apple Freeze Dried Mango Freeze Dried Strawberry Freeze Dried Papaya Freeze Dried Pink Guava Freeze Dried Sapodilla

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Healthy Freeze-Dried Fruit Options for Kids

Healthy Freeze-Dried Fruit Options for Kids

If there is one thing we know about children, it is that they enjoy snacking. The pantry is a favourite hangout for the kids, whether it’s after a hard day at school or in the midst of a Sunday afternoon. That’s why it’s critical to ensure they’re choosing healthy choices – consuming too many snacks with artificial flavours, preservatives, and other additives can result in negative health consequences. Teaching your children to choose healthy alternatives, such as dried fruit snacks, may provide them with a daily dose of nourishment while still tasting wonderful. In reality, freeze-dried fruit is high in nutrients, retaining up to 90% of its original nutritional value. While also taste like candy? Your children will be terrified. APPLE An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but how about a handful of freeze dried apples? Apple slices that have been freeze dried are high in fibre and antioxidants. You may eat them alone or mix them into muffins for a delicious breakfast delight. BANANAS Bananas are an excellent choice for dried fruit snacks for toddlers. Bananas are high in fibre, potassium, folate, and antioxidants, and they help to maintain heart health. Your kids will like them not only for their taste, but also for their nutritious worth! BLUEBERRY Blueberries, which are high in vitamin C and other antioxidants, are delicious organic dried fruit snacks for kids that boost heart and skin health, among other things. You may eat them by themselves or add them to your favourite cereal, granola, or oatmeal for added taste and texture. MANGO Mangoes are high in fibre, potassium, and vitamins A, B, and C. These antioxidants support intestinal health, immunity, and vision, among other benefits. Pick up these healthy dried fruit snacks for youngsters to carry in their lunches or to mix with their morning yoghurt. PINEAPPLE If your children want a snack that tastes like summer, freeze dried pineapple is an excellent alternative. This fruit’s deliciousness isn’t the only thing it has to offer. It’s high in B6, C, and D vitamins, as well as iron, calcium, and magnesium. CHERRY Try freeze dried cherries for a fibre snack that’s both sweet and sour. These organic dried fruit snacks for kids contain potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and other nutrients that will make you feel good about eating them. RASPBERRY Another potent antioxidant combo, freeze dried raspberries are known for being both delicious and healthful. This is another fantastic choice for on-the-go munching or sweetening up a baked item. STRAWBERRY Did you know that a serving of strawberries has about the same amount of vitamin C as an orange? As a result, freeze-dried strawberries are an excellent immune-boosting food. Enjoy this sweet delight on its own or add it to a fruit smoothie for a tasty and nutritious meal. You can stock your cupboard with alternatives for the entire family with so many wonderful healthy dried fruit snacks for kids to select from. Shop for freeze-dried fruits at Bonvie now. One of the nicest elements of buying freeze-dried fruit snacks is having a nutritious bite to eat that you know the kids will appreciate, but the convenience is also fantastic! Before fresh fruit can be eaten, it must be washed, dried, chopped, packaged, or plated. The only effort required to consume freeze-dried fruits is to open the packaging. A freeze-dried fruit snack makes it easy to consume something nutritious on the way to work, pack a vehicle snack for the kids on their way to soccer practice, or grab a quick bite while you’re finishing up supper for the family.

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Healthy Morning Breakfast With Bonvie Snacks

Healthy Morning Breakfast With Bonvie Snacks

We have all changed our food patterns so much after Covid-19 times, to be more healthy. So when we eat breakfast in the morning, we understand how crucial it is for that one day, as well as for the long run. Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, which helps you burn calories throughout the day, making it very important to note what you are eating for the most important meal of the day.     Bonvie snacks can be a delicious fruity addition to your breakfast. It is easy to add to anything you want to eat and is guaranteed to be packed with nutrients. The original freeze-dried fruits embody all the required nutrients to make your breakfast perfectly balanced. It appetizingly fits in baked goods, smoothies, jellos, and so much more. It has all the goodness of the fruits you love, offering you healthy and crunchy snacks that are deliciously guilt-free. ANother great point? You can eat your breakfast from anywhere and everywhere!     Read on to know how we can make your breakfast cooler and healthy.     Cereals & Oatmeals     Skipping breakfast is not always a choice because of time constraints, it can also end up happening if it’s boring and plain. What if I told you that the addition of delicious freeze-dried fruits can do wonders? You can combine Bonvie snacks with oats and even your favorite cereal.     The baked goodies     I believe we all have multiple people in our lives that love baked goodies but constantly complain about the amount of calories in them. It’s the healthy combination of both that works best. Morning pancakes and muffins with a pinch (or even a handful) of freeze-dried fruits can balance out this guilty pleasure with a healthy food companion.     Smoothies & Yogurt     Freeze-dried fruits can be a delicious mix for your smoothies and yogurt. You can add a handful of these healthy and crunchy snacks to your morning smoothies or after-workout drinks. Choose any of your favorite fruit, crush it, add them to your smoothies or yogurts, and voila! A delicious and healthy treat is ready to be devoured by you.     Add some of our freeze-dried snacks, which are crunchy and delicious, to make anything you eat a real treat. Every time you have a pack of Bonvie freeze-dried snacks, you have so many delicious ways to eat breakfast and drinks.

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Health Check: Is Freeze Dried Fruit Actually Healthy For You?

Health Check: Is Freeze Dried Fruit Actually Healthy For You?

We are fortunate enough to have tempting options of fruits on our plates every other day. However, every fruit we consume is a great health option. According to health experts, eating at least four to five servings of fruits daily helps boost your mood and eliminates the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, as they come with all different fulfilling nutritional benefits and natural sugars. No wonder they are considered to be nature’s healthy candy. We all know how healthy it is to eat nutritious fruits, but what makes freeze-dried fruits so appealing? Let’s take a look.     Do you often get confused between the freeze dried and the dehydrated fruits?     Freeze-dried fruits are an excellent transformation of whole fruits that you can store for a more extended period and “eat on the go” option. However, we often get confused between freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits. Dehydrated fruits remove only a third of moisture, sometimes leading to bacterial or mold growth. In contrast, freeze-dried fruits go under lyophilization which removes 98% of the moisture from the whole fruit without losing its nutrients.     What else makes freeze dried fruits actually healthy for you? Keep reading to find out!     Longer freshness and shelf life     We all agree on the fact that it’s healthy and good to eat fresh fruits daily. But keeping them fresh or having to buy fresh fruits daily can be a tough and trying job, which usually ends with us skipping eating fruits. So the smarter move here is to switch to freeze-dried fruits, which have their freshness from beginning to end, giving all the nutrients you want.     Low-calorie count     The freeze-dried fruits carry a meagre amount of calories, making them a perfect alternative for us when we are craving sweet treats but need to avoid unhealthy calories. Every handful of freeze-dried fruits provides you with nutrients with their natural taste. They have no added sweeteners or preservatives that allow you to eat healthily.     Highly concentrated nutrient     Since freeze-dried fruits come in concentrated form, eating even a single serving can provide a good amount of nourishment. Research has shown that freeze-dried fruits can conserve up to 90% of fruits’ nutrients. With freeze-dried fruits on your shelf you don’t have to keep fresh fruit on hand to get your daily dose of vitamin C, A, and other essential nutrients.     Easy consumption     Freeze-dried fruits make it a lot easier for you to consume fruits every day. It cuts down the lengthy process of buying fruits, washing them, cutting them and then finally serving them to be eaten. Every time you crave fruity-snacks, you can grab a pack of freeze-dried fruits.     With Bonvie freeze-dried snacks, you may enjoy guilt-free snacking anytime and anywhere! All the goodness of the fruits you love, with a twist! Bonvie’s delicious offerings make healthy and crunchy yummy snacks easy to enjoy.  Tags: Bonvie, Bonvie freeze-dried snacks, buying freeze dried fruits, dehydrated fruits, Eat healthy, freeze-dried fruits, guilt-free snacking, healthy snacks, yummy snacks

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Confused between Freeze dried fruits and Dehydrated fruits? Here’s the difference!

Confused between Freeze dried fruits and Dehydrated fruits? Here’s the difference!

Are you an “I can eat strawberries the whole year” or an apple every morning kind of person? If so, we’ve got your back! Both freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits let you enjoy any fruits regardless of the season. But even if you’re someone who prefers to enjoy the fruits of the season, washing, storing, and shopping for fresh fruit daily can be too much work, especially if you have a busy schedule. So here’s when these dried fruits come as a savior. Not only can you eat them anywhere and everywhere, but you can also store them for a loooong time without worrying about them going bad.  While both dehydrated and freeze dried fruits are healthy and have all the required nutrients and flavor, the preservation methods used for both of them are quite different. Read on to find out more!   The process Dehydrated fruits are preserved following a one step process – the fruits are gently dehydrated to remove the water from them. In contrast, freeze-dried fruits go under a 3 step process-    Texture Because freeze-drying removes nearly all of the moisture or water content from the food, it has a much crisper, crunchier texture than dehydrated food. Shelf-Life Because dehydrated foods contain about a third of their moisture, they have a much shorter shelf-life than freeze-dried foods. Additives Because freeze-drying removes most of the moisture in each snack, there is no need to add additives to preserve the food for a longer time. On the other hand, dried snacks usually require a fair amount of preservatives to keep them fresh. Nutrition Freeze-dried foods retain all or nearly all of their original nutrients after the freeze-dried process. Dehydrating can strip foods of more of their nutritional content due to the heating processes commonly used to evaporate some moisture on the inside of the food. Taste Of course, many consumers wonder what the difference is in terms of taste when it comes to freeze-dried and dehydrated snacks. Dehydrated foods can lose much of their flavor, mainly due to the heat-drying processes used to remove the moisture. Explore Bonvie’s freeze-dried fruits (Shop now) and snack guilt-free the whole day. It can be your go-to choice whenever you feel like munching on healthy snacks. It has all the goodness of fruits you love, with a twist of crunchy, nutritious, and yummy aroma that you can enjoy anywhere!

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